
Posts Tagged ‘instrumental’

Portfolio Interlude: New Theme. :)

January 28, 2013 Leave a comment

Hi there, how are you guys doing?

Just wanted to share a new little piece of recording I’ve just done (like, REALLY just now, a few minutes ago lol)… Its intent is to help us to cleanse our soul. :)

Next week we’ll be back with our commented portfolio. See ya!

Commented Portfolio: Tracks #4 and #5

January 21, 2013 1 comment

Hi there people, how have you been?

Proceeding with the commented portfolio here we go with two more tracks. :)

#4 Nocturne #100 (sketch)

An acoustic guitar sketch (the hundredth as you can see lol), this one was written in the wee, wee hours… :) As I’ve been doing for some time now it has a fair amount of FX layers to make it… fatter. lol

#5 Zangief’s Theme [Street Fighter 25th Anniversary] – julian ozuka

Well, I’m really proud of this one. :) Last year Capcom (the famous videogame producer) promoted a world-wide contest looking for music and visual art made by fans to celebrate the 25th anniversary of the Street Fighter series. I’m glad to say I was choosen to be  a part of it!

Just like the track before, it’s an acoustic rendition drenched in post-production FXs. I wanted to make Zangief’s theme to sound like steps of a giant coming our way–Zangief is all about that after all, huh? ;)

See ya next week!

Commented Portfolio: Tracks #1 To #3

January 14, 2013 1 comment

Hi there people, how are you doing?

I decided to share some thoughts on the tracks created for the portfolio… That could be useful for those intending to be creative with their music on how to develop an idea until it becomes real. :)

#1 RetroBike: Start! (ozuka)

This works as a start-up tune, a short melodic riff to aware players (in case of a videogame soundtrack, mind you) to be prepared and focused for the action about to start. Take a look at the Atari 2600 version of Pac Man for a good reference.

It has a nice retro feel due to my customized 8-bit NES SoundFont database. -.-

#2 Level 01 (Loop) [by ozuka]

This one was written for the first level of a comic shooter indie videogame. The up-beat mood was mandatory in this case since it goes for cheering the player up and inviting them to enjoy the ride. :)

Same SoundFont file as above.

#3 B – So Walk (ozuka)

One of the very first videogame soundtrack experiments I ever did, it’s a… sunny country theme. lol Inspired by the Harvest Moon series, what I like most here is how the clarinet fells good as the main melody maker–despite not being a traditional country instrument and all.

That’s it for now, more next Monday. ;)

Sleep Images. (Sounds? lol)

December 3, 2012 Leave a comment

Hi there, how have you been?

Sometimes when you’re too involved with music you can get messages from the beyond while you’re sleeping. Call it subconscious brain work, a spiritual wander, madness… lol Name it at your will, but stuff like that really happens.

Litle Nemo

Well… As for myself I’ve got two of those this week. :) Not sure how it works; I just wake up, grab the guitar and simply play–as if I always knew how to do it. -.-

Weirdly enought they’re quite diverse one from another… I guess that’s how dream-made things go. :)

Hope you like it, see ya! :D

(More) Feelings Turning Into Music.

November 12, 2012 Leave a comment

Hi there, how are you all doing?

Just like an older post on the matter I’m here to share a new recording filled with emotional significance to me. It’s like… seeing something you love going away while recognizing the good things it left behind. Not sure if the sound matches the feeling but it’s just the way it came out at the moment.

See ya, God bless us all.

Feelings… Turning Into Music.

October 22, 2012 2 comments

Hi there, how are you all doing?

Just wanted to share a couple acoustic themes that came out as feelings I needed to throw out of my body. :P Both are waiting for friends’ lyrics, so well see were it’s heading. :)

See ya, have a nice week!

More On the Indie Game Soundtrack… Battle!

September 10, 2012 1 comment

Hi there guys, how are you all doing?

That indie videogame project is still running full speed ahead and this week I needed to come up with a battle theme–which is the most important music in any RPG out there since you’ll be listening to it for a LONG, LONG gameplay time–dozens of hours, truth to be told. So I really took my time thinking about this one, listened to my references on the matter once again and decided to do something different.

Most RPGs have a single remarkable theme for all the regular battles along an entire game. Things usually change in boss battles and all, but the main theme remains the same. But our story here starts a little… to peaceful for that IMO. What’s the solution? To keep that early battles’ theme casseroling. lol It’s simple, I’ll save the possibilities of epicness for later battles–to be more accurate  from the first boss battle on.

Enough silly talk, take a listen and enjoy the ride. ;)

John Williams Gave Me a Hard Time Sleeping. lol

August 6, 2012 Leave a comment

Hi there, how are you doing?

Last week I mentioned my studies on the soundtrack for Tintin by Mr. John Williams… Well, and I must say I couldn’t really put my brain to rest after watching the movie. lol The intrincate rhythmic cells and timbres palettes made my mind work even if I didn’t want to… :P

When I woke up I finally managed to figure my theme out and recorded a short sketch. :) The bar notation is 7/8, and the piano works in an ostinatum–kind of an obsession of some sort. lol I hope you like it!

See ya!

Old-Time-Radio-Like Recordings…

July 16, 2012 2 comments

Hi there, how are you all doing?

Sometimes you just want to make something sound old. I’m not sure why, but those “hissing” recordings have something to them that soothe our souls and send us to a distant place in our memory–or even beyond.

This week I want to share two sketches with such a feeling; the first one was meant to sound that way because it’s an excerpt of the magnificent epic poem The Rime of the Ancient Mariner… and it’s much older than any recording for that matter; lol The other was recorded in a bad table mic, so as it wouldn’t give me much of a quality recording I made it sound old to mask those technical problems. :P

Take a listen, I hope you enjoy ’em!

Electroplankton: Set finished. :)

Hi there, how are you all doing?

Remember that weird stuff I talked about here and here? Yeah, that was Electroplankton, a Nintendo DS “game” for playing (or should I say “toying”?) with sounds… This week I managed to do some extra recordings and we finally have a complete set. :)

I hope you enjoy it, even weirdness can sound nice. ;)